Your Attitude Is Everything If You Want To Succeed

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When it comes to success, many of us never even think about our attitude. Most of us are so busy just trying to live our lives, with all our hundred responsibilities and our thousand tasks and our million commitments, that we find ourselves often reacting to our lives instead of responding to them.

Successful leaders don’t have fewer problems than unsuccessful leaders—they just have a different attitude.

The remarkable thing is that we have a choice every day regarding our attitude:

Don’t get locked into negative thoughts where you’ve experienced difficult times in the past. Any ill feelings and negative thoughts you may have had in the past were of no value to you then and have not increased in worth since.

It’s not helpful to react in negative ways to daily events. Be mindful of how you choose to interpret what happens to you. The way you react and reason with the events in your life is the way your memories will be stored.

 When you have harsh struggles in store, your attitude can save you. You can’t change the inevitable and you don’t know what will happen in the future—struggle and pain may arrive uninvited. And it’s at those times especially that your attitude will make or break you.

Many of us have forgotten how to control our attitude, even though it is really the only control we have. When we hold on tight to our misgivings, when we dwell on the ways we’ve been mistreated, it’s easy to forget that our attitude is what defines the things we experience.

Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow may never come, so the present is the moment we have.

Lead From Within: Let us strive to make our reactions and responses the best they can be, because our most precious attribute is our attitude. The choice is ours: We can hold on to negative thoughts or we can put some altitude in our attitude!




N A T I O N A L   B E S T S E L L E R
The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness

After decades of coaching powerful executives around the world, Lolly Daskal has observed that leaders rise to their positions relying on a specific set of values and traits. But in time, every executive reaches a point when their performance suffers and failure persists. Very few understand why or how to prevent it.

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Photo Credit: Getty Images

Lolly Daskal is one of the most sought-after executive leadership coaches in the world. Her extensive cross-cultural expertise spans 14 countries, six languages and hundreds of companies. As founder and CEO of Lead From Within, her proprietary leadership program is engineered to be a catalyst for leaders who want to enhance performance and make a meaningful difference in their companies, their lives, and the world.

Of Lolly’s many awards and accolades, Lolly was designated a Top-50 Leadership and Management Expert by Inc. magazine. Huffington Post honored Lolly with the title of The Most Inspiring Woman in the World. Her writing has appeared in HBR,, Fast Company (Ask The Expert), Huffington Post, and Psychology Today, and others. Her newest book, The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness has become a national bestseller.

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15 Responses
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to “Your Attitude Is Everything If You Want To Succeed”

  1. Daymond

    24. Feb, 2015

    Hi Lolly

    Sometimes it´s not easy not to react instinctively to some tough times or circumstances, we have to let the storm to pass by and then think of more concisely the best approach the action to take.

    Attitude is essential to overcome any reactions that ultimately we might regret. If we do it constantly and consciously we will forge the attitude into an aptitude.

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  2. Panteli Tritchew

    24. Feb, 2015

    We make so many choices, from the moment we wake to the moment sleep. Get up or snooze? Coffee first, or walk? Which shirt? Login or head to work? Taxi or subway? Attend or cancel meeting? Answer text now or later? Cream with coffee? Workout or rest? Swim or run? Read or watch movie? Which movie? Which couch? Should I have fries with that?

    “The remarkable thing is that we have a choice every day regarding our attitude.” If we can take a moment to choose our shirts in the morning, why not take a moment to choose our attitudes as well?

    Our closet is full, and one of them will suit the moment perfectly.

    Sending warm thoughts.

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  3. LaRae Quy

    24. Feb, 2015

    It’s important to maintain and cultivate an attitude of gratitude. If we are grateful, negativity cannot take root.

    Thanks for the great reminder, Lolly!

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  4. Alta

    24. Feb, 2015

    What’s your suggestion to build a correct attitude towards work and family?

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  5. Harry

    24. Feb, 2015

    Great reminders about attitude. I was raised in the south by a lady that was a decent Christian women, however, she “always” over reacted to everything. This was my only model, so now I find myself doing the same thing and it’s terrible to instantly go into fight or flight….but the battle continues!

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  6. Harry

    24. Feb, 2015

    Great reminders about attitude. I was raised in the south by a lady that was a decent Christian women, however, she “always” over reacted to everything. This was my only model, so now I find myself doing the same thing and it’s terrible to instantly go into fight or flight….but the battle continues! Warm wishes to all who are struggling with something!

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  7. Garren Fagaragan

    24. Feb, 2015

    Attitude…yes a key to living successfully.
    thank you Lolly.
    funny and true Pantelli.
    cultivating gratitude. yes LaRae…and
    may I add…standing firm and free from
    negative influences (people, information,
    environments, foods) and choosing
    positive influences moment to moment.
    all the best…

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  8. Dave Shank

    26. Feb, 2015

    I believe a winning attitude begins with the understanding that your self worth is your personal responsibility and not in the hands of others. When we no longer take things personally we begin to see everything as an opportunity for growth.

    The only hope for creating a better world begins with creating a better self.

    Thanks for the thoughtful insight.

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  9. Chad

    07. Apr, 2015

    Great post. My blog is in-line with this and its such a great topic that needs to be understood more. We take too much time in our pursuit of happiness to just not stop and be happy. The more we use our positive attitude the more progress we can drive in our lives. Great job, keep it up.

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  10. Dawood Chishti

    01. Aug, 2015


    If it is worthwhile,you may give your own optioned!

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  11. Dawood Chishti

    01. Aug, 2015

    “You matters the most”

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  12. Dawood Chishti

    01. Aug, 2015

    “All needed is only you.”

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  13. Dawood Chishti

    01. Aug, 2015

    “You the most Beautiful want”

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  14. Suzy

    30. Jul, 2016

    An excellent thought- provoking post. Thanks for sharing!

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  15. Winny

    31. Jul, 2016

    Thank you for sharing this with us Lolly.

    Our world is quite scary, but it’s in our hands whether we want to move forward or not. I have also mentioned this on my website how strong your mindset can be. When I was younger and I saw people being successful, I always came up with excuses and thought of reasons why they could have been successful. The truth is, if you have a GOAL, believe it or not, you must be prepared to face failures. It does not necessarily mean that you WILL, but failure is what makes people quit. What do they do afterwards? They do something else and say “That was not something for me” BS! You made yourself think that way. Are you really willing to give up your dream just like that? Are you willing to FORCE yourself to do something that you don’t enjoy and that you can’t show pride in? You chose it. It’s up to you. I always say to myself “If he can do it, so can I”

    Have the right attitude and you WILL come further in life.

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