Over the past few weeks, we have been discussing different aspects of change—most recently, with suspension on how we can move forward on our own pace when it comes to change.
But once we’ve made the commitment to change, how do we know we are ready?
At the heart of readiness is the answer to a single question:
What does the future look like, and does it include me?
Most organizations approach change with a long list of questions for leaders and employees, questions that come from HR consultants:
- Do I know what the change will be?
- Do I have a clear understanding of what is needed for the change?
- Do I see the value in the change?
- Do I see how the change will effect the future?
- Am I willing to do the work to make the change successful?
- Am I capable of learning the new processes and procedures that need to take place?
But all these questions really boil down to this:
What does the future look like, and does it include me?
Part of the natural resistance to change is self-protection. For most of us, change is a “me” subject:
- How does it affect me?
- How much will I have to change?
- How much control will I lose?
- How will I learn what I need to know to be successful?
- When will I feel like things are normal again?
When facing organizational change, addressing the “me” thinking in a way that leads to YES results in minds, hearts, and wills that are open to change. And then only then can “me” thinking become “we” thinking.
Successful change happens in organizations when we can quickly move the thinking from “me” to “we.”
We are stronger together than apart.
We are more effective when we resonate in unison.
We are more creative if we all work together.
The same is true of changes in every aspect of our lives, because we do not exist in silos but have a ripple effect on those around us.
Even with leadership, we start with “me” and move to influence the “we.”
Leaders inspire.
Employees influence.
And as individuals we all make a difference.
When we prepare for a change, don’t ask “Am I ready for this change?” but “Are WE ready for this change?”
Well, are we?
Lead From Within: Being ready is 90 percent of the game — in leadership, in business, and in life. And being ready requires emotions, understanding, communication, and ownership.
Next Week: Change: In our global economy and business.
Of Lolly’s many awards and accolades, Lolly was designated a Top-50 Leadership and Management Expert by Inc. magazine. Huffington Post honored Lolly with the title of The Most Inspiring Woman in the World. Her writing has appeared in HBR, Inc.com, Fast Company (Ask The Expert), Huffington Post, and Psychology Today, and others. Her newest book, The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness has become a national bestseller.
john paul
19. Feb, 2013
WOW Lolly,
What a fantastic analysis. It cuts right to the heart of the question. What does the future look like and does it include me. I have been considering a new job offer and all your questions strike right to the core and heart of the matter.
AND once those questions have been answered then one can move forward with the WE!! So timely – THANK YOU!!
AND – Happy Birthday today! Heard about it from a little bird. Make it a great day!
19. Feb, 2013
Lolly, thank you for your post –
I love the thought – Leadership starts with me….to be able to influence the we.
When we harmonize with the energy of change, great things happen.
Agus Safudi
19. Feb, 2013
Definitely true, when changes have been happening then we have to move from “me” to “we”.
But change from point of view of HR are caused by many factors and one of them rationalization
for effectiveness organization.
When change fall on “me”, then me shall ask to its self as follow, maybe:
My job is my career or my career is my job?
So many kind of jobs but career is path or ladder.
If we understand about our self, ready or not we’ll find the right answer.
Jacques Werth
19. Feb, 2013
Lolly, your article about how people relate to change is crucial for salespeople and sale executives.
Of all the people that go into sales, most fail, or fail to make a decent living. That’s because the current sales paradigm is obsolete.
We have discovered a far more effective sales paradigm. Our challenge is how to better communicate the need for making significant changes in how sales professionals sell.
19. Feb, 2013
Lolly! Your article discovered a catalyst force to transform Me into We. A magical approach.
Heart is ‘Me’ ; Let it change to ‘We’
20. Feb, 2013
Lolly! By marking the barriers of change, you have made the acceptance of change more viable and relishable.
Ateki Seta Caxton
20. Feb, 2013
I’m taking so much courage from this. I have been thinking lately of how I can move ahead with a long-held dream – that of creating a community organisation to support in meeting needs in so many respects. I’m realising how accepting change, working with people can ease this task and you are putting every bit of inspiration I need. You may not know but you’ve sparked a fire. Thank you very much
Aziz ur Rehman
21. Feb, 2013
Lolly thank for your post. I love your thoughts and advised. Leadership start from me to able influence others.
thank you Lolly Daskal
Aziz ur Rehman Marwat Pakistan
21. Feb, 2013
Change is always for the best, outstanding article Lolly 🙂
25. Feb, 2013
Change is not always for the best but it does happen…
22. Feb, 2013
These are ideas that resonate now than ever as change within is not an optional thing as such, but a mandatory element of life. You reminded me of President Obama’s speeches at different occasions when he says “We are stronger together than apart”. Super idea!
Solomon Abate
25. Feb, 2013
Change is inevitable how we deal with it – its a game changer.
Gwyn Teatro
24. Feb, 2013
A deeply thoughtful and powerful post, Lolly. What comes to mind for me is that moving from “me” to “we” readiness requires great patience. People accept change and then embrace it at their own pace. Some will transition from the old to the new with hardly a dip into negative emotion. Others will struggle for longer. So I think part of getting to “we” is employing the patience it takes to enfold everyone in the collective “we” view. I think too that achieving “we” readiness often involves the courage to accept that some will not get there at all and to act on it accordingly.
25. Feb, 2013
Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment.
Change in organization is a very delicate dance.
When we are talking about people. We are talking about our most precious asset.
We must have patience because we are dealing with human beings and it takes courage, trust and communication.
19. Jan, 2017
thanks for your excellent thoughts und ideas are very interesting
Webgen Technologies
04. May, 2017
Hi LOLLY, this is truly a logical thought that i found in your blog. you have give lots of Inspiration to those women who want a change in their life. We fully appreciate you for your thoughts.
Webgen Technologies