Expect The Best

In general I am opposed to any kind of new year’s, weekly, monthly resolutions, I am a big believer on constantly evaluating what we are doing and where we are going.

Instead of making our typical new year’s resolutions, I believe in creating self-fulfilling prophecy.

When we expect something to happen, we change our behavior. And when we change our behavior to make something happen, it becomes much more likely that it will happen.

In short, if we expect ourselves to succeed, we probably will succeed.

If we expect ourselves to grow, we probably will grow.

If we expect ourselves to be the best, we probably will be the best.

We must believe what we are capable of creating the best, or we won’t be expecting the best.

As leaders, we tend to live up or live down to our expectations of ourselves.

When we generate these expectations we develop our self-fulfilling prophecies.

If you have low expectations, you will get low fulfillment—it’s that simple.

Have positive, have good, have high expectations for yourself this year, and watch the positive, good, high impact you can have on your life.

Our expectations encourage the heart.

Let your heart lead you into 2013 with the best intentions yet, and watch them manifest.

Positive reinforcement produces positive action. Negative reinforcement produces negative reaction.

When we believe in ourselves, we are strongly influenced by those feelings, and we tend to live up to them. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy of the best kind.

Lead from Within: Leaders act in a manner that is consistent with their expectations.

What are your expectations of yourself in 2013?

Lolly Daskal is one of the most sought-after executive leadership coaches in the world. Her extensive cross-cultural expertise spans 14 countries, six languages and hundreds of companies. As founder and CEO of Lead From Within, her proprietary leadership program is engineered to be a catalyst for leaders who want to enhance performance and make a meaningful difference in their companies, their lives, and the world.

Of Lolly’s many awards and accolades, Lolly was designated a Top-50 Leadership and Management Expert by Inc. magazine. Huffington Post honored Lolly with the title of The Most Inspiring Woman in the World. Her writing has appeared in HBR, Inc.com, Fast Company (Ask The Expert), Huffington Post, and Psychology Today, and others. Her newest book, The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness has become a national bestseller.

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19 Responses
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to “Expect The Best”


    25. Dec, 2012

    Yes WE will b successful,,Lolly,,love and respect 4ever,

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  2. Wayne McEvilly

    25. Dec, 2012

    Whoa! I can hardly believe my good fortune! (O.K., I just took a second to believe my good fortune.
    Finding this post on Christmas day takes me back, as they say, to a Christmas many years ago when I wanted a wagon – and the morning came, and there was no wagon, although there we no lack of other presents…and my joy in them I see these many years later I allowed to be diminished – no wagon was where my entire conscious mind dwelt – no wagon – and then, as I picked up the final present it was there supporting all the rest of them, the wagon, my wagon. My greedy little self was so happy!
    So all that to say I was fairly psyched to see this post and to read it and just say –
    all the eternal verities wrapped in a short post –
    this is excellent –
    this is so clear –
    this is so compelling –
    this is so universal –
    this is so warmly offered –
    this is so needed, really really required…. –
    this is so welcome –
    Thanks a million and then some for inflation, Lolly –

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    • lollydaskal

      27. Dec, 2012

      Dearest Wayne,

      Thanks for the lovely story and so much to think about.
      You are one in a million! A soul filled with wisdom and heart.

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  3. Abdessamad

    25. Dec, 2012

    Happy new year

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  4. John Peltier

    25. Dec, 2012

    Thanks, Lolly! This is a great reminder for me of the Jim Collins concept “Big Hairy Audacious Goal” – setting a stretch goal so you may achieve more than you might otherwise.

    Best of fortune to all in 2013!

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    • lollydaskal

      27. Dec, 2012

      John Best Fortune unto you too..

      Yes I agree …set and stretch your goals, expectations and dreams and see what manifests.

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  5. Jim Hayward

    26. Dec, 2012

    I find the story in the comment more compelling than you post. I find examples more compelling than platitudes. Just a respectful suggestion because your ideas are excellent and i follow them. Personal examples are the most impressove.
    Thanks for the post.

    Reply to this comment
  6. Simon Harvey

    26. Dec, 2012

    A thought provoking post, resolutions and expectations. To New Year resolutions, I am with you, I do not make New Year resolutions anymore. Rather I work on meeting everyday with new resolution that I will be better, do better, listen better, and live in a better way. That I may be open and alert to what is being given to me throughout each and every day.

    O’ that we could live without expectations of greatness or desires. That we could give of ourselves without expectation of success or greatness, and instead be one within each moment of each day, expecting nothing more from each moment other than what it brings.

    What do I expect of myself ? I expect that if I can live with an open heart and mind that I will grow a little everyday within. I expect that I will make mistakes, but will learn from them if I remind myself to listen. I expect that if I am fortunate enough to see a sunrise or sunset and take the time to open my mind to this show, that I will gain a better understanding of life. I expect that if I go out with a mind that is not wanting of expectations, that I will see and find success of many types. For it is when we do not expect anything that we find, see, and experience the greatest things in life.

    Whether it is seeing a rainbow, or the feeling of gratitude after someone offers us help when least expected, or when our leadership is rewarded by a lightness of heart as we see those that we once led now forging ahead, in leadership of themselves, and others. Or when you receive an unexpected thank you, or ray of sunlight on a dark day. These moments are special because we do not have expectations, we are living within the moment of that day, and when we are given something special that we are not expecting, it is then that simple becomes so special.

    Simple can become special everyday when we do not have expectations, but live in each moment with love and compassion. When we focus on good, on love, on compassion, on our faith in humanity, on giving of ourselves fully to each moment and to each other, on each day, then, what we receive will far outweigh any expectation we could ever have dreamt of.

    So yes,we may well expect the best if we give our best, but if we can give our best without expectations, then we may expect the unexpected, and for me the unexpected usually offers far more than any of my expectations could ever dream up.

    Thanks Lolly for always giving so much, for being there, and being such a beautiful rhapsody to leadership.

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    • lollydaskal

      27. Dec, 2012


      Thoughts to think about what you have written: Simple can become special everyday when we do not have expectations, but live in each moment with love and compassion. When we focus on good, on love, on compassion, on our faith in humanity, on giving of ourselves fully to each moment and to each other, on each day, then, what we receive will far outweigh any expectation we could ever have dreamt of.

      Thanks for making my post so much richer with your thoughts and comments!

      Happy holidays….

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  7. Felix P. Nater

    26. Dec, 2012

    Timely article Lolly! Instead of writing what I will accomplish in 2013 I am changing to I expect to accomplish. Thank you.
    Happy New Year!


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  8. Kyle Elmendorf

    27. Dec, 2012

    Great post. Happy New Year.

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  9. Elaine Lindsay

    27. Dec, 2012

    Lolly great article

    I believe we create our reality so creating the fabulous self-fulfilling prophesy is a great plan!

    I live in the moment with intent. Living in the moment can be a challenge..should you lose sight of the moment, you can get right back to your next moment.. with intent..

    I intend to be the best me I can be daily, moment by moment… Living with the best intentions and going forward knowing I choose.. All the best in 2013.. Choose your very best in the moment!

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    • lollydaskal

      27. Dec, 2012

      Dear Elaine,

      I agree we do create our reality, that is why we might as well expect the best….

      I love your sentiments.. Choose your very best in the moment. ( I agree wholeheartedly ) Thanks for your wisdom.

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  10. Martina

    28. Dec, 2012

    I expect the same thing from myself that I expect every year. I expect the best- to give and share the best and continue to evolve into my best self. 2013 will be a little different since there are new things on my plate.

    But we learn that we have to do the same things no matter the challenge, and no matter whether it is is old or new one- slow down, check our hearts, take a deep breath, make a plan and take the next logical step.

    All the best to you next year, Lolly.

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  11. Michael C.

    29. Dec, 2012

    I totally agree with you Lollly. Always expect something better and it will come true. Bless you.

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    […] Expect The Best Written by: Lolly Daskal […]

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