We live much of our lives with society telling us what to do, people telling us how to think, technology and the media telling us what to buy, and the culture telling us all the ways we need to make ourselves better.
The last of our freedoms lies is in the choosing for ourselves who we are in the present moment.
Choice is freedom. It’s about knowing what we excel at, what we are strong at, in what our heart inclines us to, and it leads us to carry those things forward and share them with others—not by compulsion, but by our own inner inclinations.
[quote]It’s choice, not chance, that will determine our leadership.[/quote]
Leadership begins with taking response-ability—responding with our abilities and with our choices about how to use those abilities.
It’s our choice to make a difference with our gifts. And that choice is composed of the smaller choices that we make every day.
Choose self. When we spend time learning, discovering, exploring, engaging in self-development—we are choosing leadership.
Choose purpose. When we align ourselves with our purpose and values so we can be of service—we are choosing leadership.
Choose skills. When we contribute our talents and skills to bring value and support others—we are choosing leadership.
Choose vision. When we articulate a vision and work to get people to move there—we are choosing leadership.
Choose courage. When we look fear in the face and demonstrate courage and tenacity because we believe in the greater good—we are choosing leadership.
Choose results. When we conceptualize solutions—maybe even before others are aware there is a problem—and we are able to articulate an action that needs to be taken—we are choosing leadership.
A leader is not born; a leader makes the conscious decision to lead.
A life of leadership is not a once-in-a-lifetime decision—it’s one that you make over and over again. It grows out of a simple realization:
Things do not just happen. They are chosen to happen.
I believe that we are solely responsible for our choices, and we have to accept the consequences of every deed, word, and thought throughout our lifetime—and by doing so, we make the impact we are meant to make.
Leaders try to be the best person they can be by making the best choices they can to bring the best of their talents to the service of the world.
Lead from within: Right now, you have a choice about what you are becoming. Believing in yourself, knowing yourself, wanting to be of service to others, having vision—these things are at the root of all leadership. What will you choose?
Of Lolly’s many awards and accolades, Lolly was designated a Top-50 Leadership and Management Expert by Inc. magazine. Huffington Post honored Lolly with the title of The Most Inspiring Woman in the World. Her writing has appeared in HBR, Inc.com, Fast Company (Ask The Expert), Huffington Post, and Psychology Today, and others. Her newest book, The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness has become a national bestseller.
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22 Responses
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to “Leadership Is by Choice, Not Chance”
September 2, 2014
[…] Leadership Is By Choice, Not Chance […]
August 2, 2016
[…] Leadership Is by Choice, Not Chance […]
29. Apr, 2014
Leadership is a choice, whether it comes with a title or not. It is also a choice to commit to being a good, responsible and responsive leader.
Leadership is being the best that we can, and being responsible for adding value to the lives of others.
Terri Klass
29. Apr, 2014
We do have the choice to be leaders and share our gifts and dreams with others.
When we lead and share our narratives and lessons with others we are giving them the opportunity to be leaders and grow.
The choice of leadership is not to be taken lightly as it comes with importance. Above all we must remain authentic, honest and loving.
Thanks Lolly!
29. Apr, 2014
…and so it is.
Excellent post Lolly.
Thank you…Garren
Ruth Schwartz
29. Apr, 2014
Lovely. I also believe that while we chose all the above, when we have it in our bones and aren’t ultra aware of it, we are the embodiment of leadership. Small l not big L. Thanks again Lolly.
LaRae Quy
29. Apr, 2014
This post really hit home, Lolly.
“The last of our freedoms lies is in the choosing for ourselves who we are in the present moment.”
So true…we are empowered moment to moment by the ownership of who we truly are, in our circumstances and with others.
Thanks so much for sharing. And have an amazing day 🙂
Beth Tabak
29. Apr, 2014
Another quality piece, Lolly.
I am looking forward (as my role as a single mom of 2 busy kids shifts – now 17 and 20) to the new leadership choices ahead. It is a very exciting time!
I especially connected with ‘who you are becoming’ as I feel something percolating inside. Yet it also feels like getting back to who I have always been, if you add in extensive and continued growth.
Thank you for continuing to share your wisdom. It always stimulates a good pondering session.
Tal Shnall
29. Apr, 2014
I agree that leadership begins with a choice to lead. I like how you added the actions and behaviors into each choice because once we choose, what action are we taking toward it?
Steve Bell
29. Apr, 2014
Truly enjoyed this post!
I plan on using this for my employees that think they want to be leaders (by title or not).
sridhar laxman
29. Apr, 2014
Love the title of this post, simple and powerful
The quality of choices people make determines the quality of their lives. Leaders can choose to inspire or dictate , choose to empower or lose employees, to stand for something or become obsolete, I believe choices makes the man (or woman) and not the other way around.
30. Apr, 2014
Very good read on the fundamental choices we make to be leaders. Especially where you say “Things do not just happen, they are chosen to happen” I think it’s important to understand the power our choices have in terms of leadership.
30. Apr, 2014
When I read your words – the words as to what society, people, the media, our bosses tell us what to do, I cannot help but think of what separates the truly great leaders. They are the ones who always do the right thing rather than just doing things right, which as you know is not always the same thing.
Thank you, Lolly
01. May, 2014
“Choice is freedom.” Well said, Lolly. In many ways we can distract ourselves from the the critical choices that reveal our true selves and our leadership. And yet, freedom lies just before us, a red carpet once we choose to walk it.
Panteli Tritchew
02. May, 2014
We tend to have a complex relationship with the notion of Choice. What should be a liberating concept can be a constraint and a boundary for some. I struggle with balancing the tension between the freedom to choose and familial, professional, and cultural expectations.
“The last of our freedoms lies is in the choosing for ourselves who we are in the present moment.” A powerful and liberating thought, Lolly. I plan to make this last of our freedoms the first of my Notes-to-Self. Grateful!
Chery Gegelman
15. Jun, 2014
Lolly, My cells were dancing as I read this post!
Partially because the longer I live as an expat the more I see great wisdom and confidence flowing from leaders that encourages others to think and to choose.
…And partially because I am more and more aware of the unconscious choices that I have made and increasingly determined to make conscious ones!
Dave Brinkman
01. Oct, 2015
Great post Barry. For what its worth you were a great leader.
Rajesh Chura
04. Jun, 2016
Great .
Leadership ,of course,is once internal quality to visualize and deliver to the world at large or to a country,a society or a cluster of people the path ahead .Its a continuos process and is the outcome once efforts. Rajesh Chura,Kolkata,India.
Sanaul Haque
07. Jan, 2017
Avail all Chances : Successfully
Bryan Lutz
12. Mar, 2017
Lolly, I appreciate that you’ve said choosing self is a leadership choice. Sometimes I forget about this but it ends up creating “mission drift” in light of others purposes. Self-improvement is important I think. And I spend a bunch of time learning how to listen. Perhaps listening is a courageous?
15. Mar, 2017
Listening is powerful, courageous, profound and most of all a choice.
Thanks for your comment. It made me think about listening on the another level.
Raghunandan SV
06. May, 2018
Leadership is about leading and inspiring the team proactively. Awesome thoughts Lolly.