Own Your Desires

So many of us deny our desires, but do you know our desires are an important aspect of what lies within us.
Acknowledging our desires means discovering our inner self and accepting the core of our motivations.
When we deny our desires, and when we attach rules, words or codes to our lives, we cut ourselves off from our gifts, love, and creativity.
Each one of us has different wants and desires, wishes, dreams, hopes, visions, goals and plans.
Are we telling people what we really want?
Are we expressing our deepest wishes?
Are we feeling the depth of our longing?
For businesses to thrive and for relationships to succeed, we need to express our likes and dislikes and be open to giving and receiving.  We need to know that a big part of being successful and authentic means owning our desires.
If we don’t own our desires, our self-assurance is deprived and our knowledge is limited. Those who do not define themselves remain lost in the crowd.
Owning our desires provides us with a stronger sense of where we stand with ourselves and others.  When people understand what we want, they will be more clear about who we are.
In Kabbalah it is explained that a desire is placed within us so that we can develop and reflect deeper. It is addressing the depth of the reality which appears inside of our heart – This is a “point in the heart.” This point is a part of the greater reality which includes spirituality, emotionality and humanity.
Your desire is about examining, engaging and exploring the deepest parts within you. Once you own your desire, your success will take hold and transform everything.
Lead From Within: Follow the ways of your heart and OWN your desires. It will get you one step closer to realizing your hopes, dreams and goals.

Lolly Daskal is one of the most sought-after executive leadership coaches in the world. Her extensive cross-cultural expertise spans 14 countries, six languages and hundreds of companies. As founder and CEO of Lead From Within, her proprietary leadership program is engineered to be a catalyst for leaders who want to enhance performance and make a meaningful difference in their companies, their lives, and the world.

Of Lolly’s many awards and accolades, Lolly was designated a Top-50 Leadership and Management Expert by Inc. magazine. Huffington Post honored Lolly with the title of The Most Inspiring Woman in the World. Her writing has appeared in HBR, Inc.com, Fast Company (Ask The Expert), Huffington Post, and Psychology Today, and others. Her newest book, The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness has become a national bestseller.

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7 Responses
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to “Own Your Desires”

  1. Dr. Ada

    12. May, 2011

    Owning vs denying our deep desires. That’s a great way to remind us of the importance of deeply listening to ourselves. We can’t always have immediately what we desire, and not always our desires are the best for us. But unless we own them, we can not make conscious decisions about what we want to do or not do with them. Thanks for a thoughtful post.

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  2. Simon Harvey

    13. May, 2011

    Wisdom comes from those that lead from within and as always you find greatness to share with others to allow us to journey father ourselves.

    In the few weeks I have know you, your wisdom and words have taken me much deeper than I had traveled before. It has pushed and pulled me towards those goals that desire.

    I shall persevere to live to that which is mine and mine alone. Myself

    As William Channing said:

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own; to be what no others are, and to do what no other can do.”

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  3. Patricia Knight

    13. May, 2011

    Lolly this was great as usual! In day to day life, it is easy to forget about ourselves and our needs and desires. Thank you for your wisdom in reminding all of us how important it is to keep our heart opens. It will help us to grow and live the life we have imagined!

    Thank you,

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  4. John Serpa

    13. May, 2011

    We also need to be cognizant of the bigger picture, that is, are we including the benefit of others in our likes and desires? Are we evaluating the ripple effect beyond the temporary vapor trail?

    Likes and desires are important, but they need to be calibrated against a standard of impact beyond the short term. It’s a head-heart-hand concept and desires that bring others closer to us is where the litmus test receives a “passing” grade.

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  5. Ty

    14. May, 2011

    Lolly as usual you leave me speechless. It’s so easy to loose sight of our desires and be consumed by the material an hectic world around us.

    A greater point of reality places desire in us from a completely other level of development or a the greater reality.

    What manifests inside of our heart is a “point in the heart” according to Kabbalists. It has spirituality, which if this desire is fulfilled it’s growth is constant until it overtakes our entire existence, delivering us into a spiritual world.

    It’s there. It’s all in front of us. But fear sometimes robs us of achieving our desires. But that, is another topic…


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    • lollydaskal

      14. May, 2011

      ….NOT for another topic.
      Lets talk about fear!
      Lets not waste another second……..
      I want to know what scares you. I want to know what keeps you thinking you cannot have it…
      I want you to own your desires
      I want you to have everything and anything you want.
      Because I know you and you my friend deserve everything you wish for.
      Peace and Blessings To you!

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  6. Tim McEneny

    15. May, 2011

    Use fear of failure to motivate yourself. International super-stars such as Arnold Palmer. Jerry Rice, Mike Meyers, Dustin Hoffman, and countless others talk about how they feared failure and how they used that fear to their advantage. More on this subject in “The Self-Funded Entrepreneur: Unlocking Your Entrepreneurial Potential” by yours truly. Book will be available in Aug/Sept. timeframe.

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