We’re hearing a lot these days about “humanizing” business, but it’s really based on the oldest of concepts of where you can’t have affluence without responsibility, contentment without values, wisdom without beliefs, and commerce without ethics and you certainly can’t have leadership without people, which is without…humanity.
The genius of leadership is its humanness.
If we don’t recognize the importance on human engagement, human communication, human development, we will not have a business – or, for that matter, anyone to lead.
True heart-based leadership is humanity leadership. It starts with some universal principles:
Human recognition. Each person deserves to be valued.
Human openness. Each person deserves the truth.
Human acceptance. Each person deserves acceptance.
Human respect. Each person deserves respect.
Human focus. Each person deserves attention.
When these principles are in place, their influence is felt in everything we do.
Every conversation becomes meaningful, every meeting fosters effective connections, every transaction is important.
Humanity is born out of the heart’s revelation that another person is every bit as important as we are.
Leading and humanity is a partnership. It takes the best parts of ourselves, our diverse backgrounds, our distinct gifts and it emerges them together to complement each other.
In the world of fast paced technology and globalization of our businesses the domination will shift from control leading to the humanity of leadership.
Gone soon will be the days of power, control, secrecy and silos.
Today the road to success is in the essence of the people, in how they communicate, connect and collaborate with character.
People are the link to humanity and our character is our salvation.
Lead From Within: Put the importance of humanity back into your leadership and show others how their business and life can grow, succeed in profitable, productive and profound ways.
The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness
After decades of coaching powerful executives around the world, Lolly Daskal has observed that leaders rise to their positions relying on a specific set of values and traits. But in time, every executive reaches a point when their performance suffers and failure persists. Very few understand why or how to prevent it.
Additional Reading you might enjoy:
- 12 Successful Leadership Principles That Never Grow Old
- A Leadership Manifesto: A Guide To Greatness
- How to Succeed as A New Leader
- 12 of The Most Common Lies Leaders Tell Themselves
- 4 Proven Reasons Why Intuitive Leaders Make Great Leaders
- The One Quality Every Leader Needs To Succeed
- The Deception Trap of Leadership
Photo Credit: Getty Images
Of Lolly’s many awards and accolades, Lolly was designated a Top-50 Leadership and Management Expert by Inc. magazine. Huffington Post honored Lolly with the title of The Most Inspiring Woman in the World. Her writing has appeared in HBR, Inc.com, Fast Company (Ask The Expert), Huffington Post, and Psychology Today, and others. Her newest book, The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness has become a national bestseller.
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46 Responses
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to “The Humanity Of Leadership”
May 29, 2013
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28. May, 2013
Thank you for this post Lolly!
You described a leader that I aspire to be. One I myself would want to follow.
28. May, 2013
You have such a great, articulate vision of what “humanizing business” means. You offer a path forward according to the simplest statement of principles — principles that have too long been given lip-service while being privately dismissed or suppressed. Others have done this to us and yet we have also learned to do it to ourselves. The heart has been hurt and broken and has been fearful for so long, sometimes it does not want to get up off the floor or come out from the cell in which it has been hiding. But the heart also knows its own truth. Now is the time to re-awaken and reaffirm the way. Your courage inspires everyone else’s.
Paul Cummings
28. May, 2013
It’s refreshing to have the concepts of both business and heart brought together. Too often, we fail to give heart its place in business. To lead with heart takes nerve. Leaders need to find and hold their nerve as I describe in my own blog 10 Critical Factors Essential for Leadership Success.
28. May, 2013
Brilliant Paul!
To lead with heart takes nerve. Leaders need to find and hold their nerve
Thanks for stopping and sharing!
28. May, 2013
Your thoughts speak of wisdom and knowledge.
I truly love the way you express yourself, you have a way of commanding the soul to step forward.
you understand that the heart answers us and it guides us home.
Your words honor the soul of humanity in order to manifest the heart. You understand what is required of us.
Thank you Dan!
Wayne McEvilly
28. May, 2013
This new post does, in fact, take the pulse and measure the very heart beat of the entire matter of human interaction. Success follows universal respect, consideration, and regard.
That’s always been the case, but it is not always acted upon. The forumula has got be set aside and replaced by the simple, felt fact: we must love one another. It’s an order. It’s a prescription. It’s a life-saver.
28. May, 2013
I admire your wisdom and I love your passion.
Humanizing your leadership IS A LIFE SAVER!
You are correct!
I love reading your comments – you always provoke appreciate deep within my soul.
You are a true master!
Karin Hurt
28. May, 2013
As leaders, it’s important that we encourage those we lead (as well as our children) to expect these important principles. We must lead by example and respond with shock when it’s missing.
28. May, 2013
Interesting comment we must respond with shock when its missing.
I would respond with a questions..
Why? What? AND how can we make it better.
I am still thinking of the SHOCK part. Interesting concept.
Thanks Karin!
28. May, 2013
Allowing your employees to speak freely, contribute, collaborate and share within the business “family” is truly leadership on a human level. Thank you Lolly
28. May, 2013
We need more humanity if we are going to survive this ever fast paced world.
We need to slow down and connect.
We need to see and believe in each other.
We need to lead the parade if we are going to be successful.
28. May, 2013
Great post Lolly!
Very true and meaningful words, and it is important for leaders to set the example through their actions every moment.
28. May, 2013
Leader need to lead by example where ever they go. Thanks Jay for stopping by.
Lincoln Torcelli
28. May, 2013
The essence of leadership is certainly how we communicate to each other Great article. .
28. May, 2013
the essence of leadership is in our connection, communication, collaboration and character.
All the wonderful attributes for celebrating our humanity.
Tagrid Sihly
28. May, 2013
I once worked with a principal who was a great manager and she led a tight ship. However, she lacked the humane factor. You could be torn to pieces in front of her and she wouldn’t show any sign of empathy. You cannot be an effective leader without having the ability to connect with people on a human level. Our humanity is the common thread that connects us. Leading from the heart is the only way to connect with people and develop credibility. Great post.
28. May, 2013
Tagrid you are so right! Leading from the heart is the only way to connect with people and develop credibility.
Rodrigo Louvre
28. May, 2013
care, evaluation, acceptance and respect, must be the truth behind good leadership. That’s the key to humanize the world of business. I loved your post. Thanks to inspire, encourage and share.
Garren Fagaragan
28. May, 2013
Very thought provoking post again…Lolly.
Thank you.
along the lines of humanity and leadership…
I thought about this as a potential resource for you
and your readers. You may already be aware of it.
Born out of a decade of discussions between
His Holiness the Dalai Lama and…
International management consultant
Laurens van den Muyzenberg, “The Leader’s
Way”…is a unique meeting of two worlds…
the global landscape and Buddhism.
On the back of the audio set it says…
A new kind of leadership is needed…one that
sees events as they really are and understands
the interconnectedness…impermanence…and
interdependence of individuals…companies…
and the global economic system.
Thanks again for the post.
see you on the Tweet chat in an hour.
rockin steady…
28. May, 2013
love…love…love…what you shared…
Its true, we do need a new kind of leadership and Garren –we are the leaders you and I– who can be the change that needs to happen.
Thanks for sharing your thoughtful comment.
SEE you tonight #leadfromwithin
Simon Harvey
28. May, 2013
Humanity is a beautiful thing as to leadership that comes from within.
Love the post Lolly and so well timed, for we must all take a step back and look deeply within to search our hearts for our humanity and our faith in it.
There are so many great young leaders out in the world that must be recognized and given encouragement, they need engagement to become voices in the world. We need their humanity to help lead the way. We need the youth of today to join in that quest of connection and discovery as the world unfolds.
The road to success is as it has always been, it is just that we are beginning to see what success really is, and it is NOT spelt $UCCE$$
28. May, 2013
You are so on point Simon,
We do need the young leaders and we also need the present leaders to recognize that appreciation and encouragement is important.
And that each of us TOGETHER can make a difference.
I truly appreciated your presence this evening – 2am in the UK and yet you showed up! Your dedication speaks volumes!
GRATEFUL for your heart. GRATEFUL for your soulfulness
Thanks Simon!
28. May, 2013
Dialogar y liderar en torno al concepto básico de humanidad y con humanidad facilita el diálogo y la colaboración. Felicidades Dolly
Bill | Leadership Heart Coaching
28. May, 2013
Hi Lolly,
One of the challenges I believe business is facing today is the transition into a new workforce – Generation Y.
This group of workers is unlike any other industry has seen. For example, they are the most educated of all the groups. Furthermore, this generation expects more from their organizations – all the values you mention above for one.
Unlike my generation (Baby Boomers) Generation Y will quickly look elsewhere if their needs are not met. As you write, If we don’t recognize the importance of these values, we will not have anyone to lead.
28. May, 2013
I once asked a retired banker, who also practiced contemplative prayer, how his practice of contemplative prayer changed his approach to business and managing. His answer, “It made the workplace more humane…it made me more humane.” I think centering prayer, contemplative prayer, meditation is a great entryway into what you have written..thanks for your words.
28. May, 2013
Thanks for sharing your story. It made me think! What would happen if we all had rituals that made us more humane.
Mine would be the practice of mindfulness. What would be yours
28. May, 2013
we must more connected now more than ever. we need humanity in our leadership more than ever.
Mark Deterding
28. May, 2013
Brilliant article Lolly! I just talked to a leader last week who said his expectation for his leaders for each year was the following: Do whatever it takes to make this the very best year of each of your people’s lives professionally, personally, and spiritually. This request and expectation would never be accomplished if the leader was not focused on the humanity issues that you mention. Awesome! Thanks so much for all you do in advancing key leadership principles.
28. May, 2013
Lets make this a mantra Do whatever it takes to make this the very best year of each of your people’s lives professionally, personally, and spiritually
for every business
every organization
every company
every team
every person who encounters another.
Truly loved it.
Thanks so much for sharing.
28. May, 2013
if the world is changing and it is, we must change on how we conduct ourselves within.
we must learn to lead from inside out.
Rosemary Nonny Knight
29. May, 2013
“Gone soon will be the days of power, control, secrecy and silos”
I have been thinking about that recently as I seek to connect personally with the people who choose to follow me. Not sure what Silos means 🙂 but power control and secrecy are definitely becoming things of the past as social media becomes even more prominent.
There is no longer space for secrecy about reality. I love it. Gurus become part of the past because people connect with people and want to be lead by people they can truly relate to, not people who want to pretend things are more perfect than they are, who seek to control without loving.
Great post.
Agus Safudi
29. May, 2013
This is amazing quote “The genius of leadership is its humanness and heart”.
Humanity (human/people) is main aspect for business, cause the business (company) start form Man (human), Machine, Method, Material, and the last is Money.
Leadership without humanity and heart will only create dictator and chaos. In business will be possible to be lost, cause paradigm is drifting, this not only about win or lose, but how we growth together. Since I change to be WE, there only remain to survive is interdependence, it’s mean there should be partnership is based on heart. How we do (sell) by heart. Profit not just COGM $1000 and COGS 1250, but how they satisfied, when they satisfied then we gain profit.
Leadership is how we build the bridge, not wall.
When Industrial Revolution to be proclaimed, conscious or not, willing or not, accept or refuse we create human become machine, but Industrial Psychology try to make it balance between machine and man job.
When human needs is fulfilled (recognition, openness, acceptance, respect, etc.), how hard the situation I still believe it will survive.
And “cool” business now is involving Social aspect within Profit, that’s it.
Thanks for sharing inspiring and persuasive article.
David O'Brien
30. May, 2013
Lolly – Thank you for sharing your heart wisdom and for inspiring so many of us who joyfully walk the leadership path. The new gold-standard of leadership excellence is our ability to forge meaningful relationships through human connection. Your brilliant post shows us the way.
With gratitude,
30. May, 2013
Congratulation on flashing a wonderful post.
Oozing out from the heart is more deeply rooted.
Leadership ~ Heart ~ People
Is the magical connectivity you have dreamed.
Blessed you are, and God may bless you more!
Ketehouli Esso Tayiwna
03. Jun, 2013
Congratulation Lolly!!!!
I’m so impressive about this.
I’m a teacher of peaceful character education and after going through your website I realize that we are almost on the same way.
Here’s our website where you can see everything we do. http://www.peacefulcharacter.org
After going through you can tell me what you think.
Thanks very much and wish you. all the best…..
Praveen Kumar
03. Jun, 2013
Lovely Lolly!
I loved the article.. its just huge. and heart weight concept.. sometimes it feels heavy when we realize the fact of humanity. Sometimes it feels guilty too when we realize we are not in that right path. Yes its true.. “Each/Every person deserves to be valued”
Words are like just medicine.. if we take it in a right way it will help us to heal.. if we take it in a wrong way, then it has a power to kill.. such a powerful thing. which you have a power of word. Keep on inspiring us. you are such a great mentor & leader.. God Bless You.. You Born With Purpose..
Rick Kranz
04. Jun, 2013
Lolly, I just discovered your blog. Love your writing style and the great way you incorporate tweet this quotes!
Thanks for sharing this.
05. Jun, 2013
Thanks Rick for all your great compliments your WORDS TOUCH ME.
David Hain
07. Jun, 2013
Lolly, as ever you define and embody heart to heart communication. And while the brain defines us as different, it is the heart that makes the difference human.
Heartfelt thanks for my regular dose of soulspiration!
07. Jun, 2013
I love how your mind works and how you expressed it. You have spoken heart based truth when you say…
….the brain defines us as different, it is the heart that makes the difference human.
and we must remember that ONE word can change the world for the better.
ONE word can take away the pain.
ONE word can ease suffering
ONE word can make peace
ONE word can unlock power.
WORD are the passwords that can unlock the power within us.
Connie Klimko
30. Aug, 2014
Really enjoying your blog. Your posts help keep me honest and grounded as a leader, and validate that I’m on the right track. Your work is helping so many! Thank you.
Ann lee-jeffs
27. Sep, 2014
Human sustainability is what we need to drive sustainable growth….. Human sustainability is possible through genuine leadership, Lolly keep us honest on human sustainability….
Dragana Djurisic
29. Jun, 2015
Nice, great Article. indeed!
Chris Salamone
02. Jun, 2016
Youth leadership should be supported in any way. The development of courageous, visionary, and inspirational leaders must begin with our young people. Mr Chris Salamone, who has formerly served as a faculty member at Loyola University Chicago School of Law and the National Institute of Trial Advocacy, and served as a leadership curriculum adviser at The University of Central Oklahoma is CEO of Lead America which is most respected youth leadership organizations with an unwavering commitment to quality and excellence in their academic offerings. The organization focuses on Leadership development, experiential career education & study abroad programs for high achieving high school and middle school students. Chris Salamone works to improve the lives of young people around the world through his many philanthropic endeavors. Mission is to ‘inspire and empower our young people to achieve their full potential and instill in them a sense of purpose, integrity, self confidence, and personal responsibility.’ This is achieved through engaging students (high school for most programs and middle school for a few) in conferences that combine challenging academics with hands-on experiential learning.
07. Jul, 2016
I like the the “idea ” of universel principles based upon what comes from the heart. Fill your heart with good things or principles . This will effect your actions. . Great article Lolly Daskal!