Lolly Daskal: I Have A Dream

Lolly Daskal: I Have A Dream

We go about our everyday lives wanting things to always be getting better. We hope that our work makes a difference and those who came before us are proud and we wish for our children to have more than what we were given.

As anyone knows who has heard Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous speech—delivered fifty years ago this August~[quote]dreams are at the center of any effort to make things better. [/quote]


And so I share my dream with you:

I have a dream that we understand that we can make a difference in the world, and that how we do the things we do is just as important as why.

I have a dream that organizations work not from a place of control and fear but a place of connection and collaboration.

I have a dream that we stop asking employees to follow the status quo but allow them to be curious and creative, and that we recognize all ideas as potential stepping stones to something much greater.

I have a dream that we treat money as something to work for but not something we just accumulate.

I have a dream that when fear shows up we stare back at it courageously.

I have a dream that we replace trying to please each other with caring for each other as we care for ourselves.

I have a dream that we communicate with meaning and purpose, saying what really matters and not what we think people want us to say.

I have a dream that we commit ourselves to lifelong relationships that stretch across the boundaries of geography, organizations, and beliefs.

I have a dream that we open ourselves to connecting on a deep level so we can mutually benefit and enrich each others’ lives, gravitating toward each other instead of away into ourselves.

I have a dream that we become a universe that shares our collective intelligence and inner wisdom, that together we generate such creativity and strength and enlightenment that future generations look back at this time as the beginning of the world they grew up in.

Because as life would have it~ [quote]when we can dream together we can change the world.[/quote]
Lead From Within: Dream with me—because nobody truly does anything alone. When we dream together we can truly dream big.

Lolly Daskal is one of the most sought-after executive leadership coaches in the world. Her extensive cross-cultural expertise spans 14 countries, six languages and hundreds of companies. As founder and CEO of Lead From Within, her proprietary leadership program is engineered to be a catalyst for leaders who want to enhance performance and make a meaningful difference in their companies, their lives, and the world.

Of Lolly’s many awards and accolades, Lolly was designated a Top-50 Leadership and Management Expert by Inc. magazine. Huffington Post honored Lolly with the title of The Most Inspiring Woman in the World. Her writing has appeared in HBR,, Fast Company (Ask The Expert), Huffington Post, and Psychology Today, and others. Her newest book, The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness has become a national bestseller.

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65 Responses
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to “Lolly Daskal: I Have A Dream”

  1. Christy Johnson

    11. Jun, 2013

    I love this! So succinct and so inspiring. I particularly like the last one about the universe. May it be so!

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  2. Jesse Stoner

    11. Jun, 2013

    Beautiful! Your dream touches my heart and resonates. Putting these powerful images into the universe makes a difference. Thank you, Lolly, for sharing your dream and all that you do to make this a better world.

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    • lollydaskal

      11. Jun, 2013

      Thank you Jesse, I think many will resonate with this dream, if only we can work collectively to achieve it.. we can and could make a difference.
      Thanks for stopping by I always appreciate your thoughts!

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  3. Martina

    11. Jun, 2013

    Excellent post, Lolly.

    Yes, even the tiniest dreams that we hold in our hearts for the uplifting of others bring change to the world, but only if we share them, and collaborate to make them come true.

    And, yes, the next generation will look back at us as the shoulders upon which they stand to pursue their own dreams, as we did/do. Let us together make it a worthwhile backward glance for them.

    May it be so…

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  4. Alli Polin

    11. Jun, 2013

    Lolly –

    This post is beautiful. I’ll join you in this dream – we are stronger together! Truly resonates with me. Smiling thanks to you!


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    • lollydaskal

      11. Jun, 2013

      Thanks Alli for joining the dream. Together we can start a movement that is bigger than us and brighter for the future.
      We are stronger together. We are better as a collective. Hugs back to you Beautiful person!


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  5. Sharon Reed

    11. Jun, 2013


    Building a better world begins with a dream; it begins with our individual and collective vision and belief in what’s possible.

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful, heartfelt dream that resonates and aligns so deeply with my own.


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    • lollydaskal

      11. Jun, 2013

      Dear Sharon,

      We have a dream now lets make it a movement. I need your help and many others that resonate with these words.
      I want it to be a reality.

      Miss you. Lets catch up soon.

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  6. Dan Forbes

    11. Jun, 2013

    The family that dreams together, changes the world together. Thanks, Lolly.

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    • lollydaskal

      11. Jun, 2013

      Dreaming together means caring for each other and having each others back. Supporting and including each other and growing together.
      That is my dream.

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  7. Carl

    11. Jun, 2013

    Lolly, a beautiful post – thank you for sharing your wisdom

    Best regards,

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    • lollydaskal

      11. Jun, 2013

      You are so welcome Carl @SparktheAction
      With your spark we can definitely make this a reality!
      Join the movement of making this dream come true.

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  8. Karin Hurt

    11. Jun, 2013

    My favorite line, “I have a dream that when fear shows up we stare back at it courageously.” The more we can help one another to do that, the more we all grow. Namaste.

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  9. Warren'Coach' Nye

    11. Jun, 2013

    Lolly, an excellent post! Appreciate you sharing with us all your wisdom and your dreams
    Without dreams there is no goal, without goals there is no purpose and without a purpose then we have no dreams.
    Let us all dream together Lolly and take action!
    All my best,
    Coach Nye

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  10. Daniel

    11. Jun, 2013

    Hail Success for us all
    I have an article about this Dream provides motivation and passion in running this life; Hopefully we can live our lives as we dream so we can become more animated and has a new power. Greetings Good & Smart.

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  11. Samantha

    11. Jun, 2013

    Beautiful post Lolly! I share this dream with you! I loved all your points and especially:

    ‘I have a dream that we replace trying to please each other with caring for each other as we care for ourselves.’

    ‘I have a dream that we communicate with meaning and purpose, saying what really matters and not what we think people want us to say.’

    ‘I have a dream that we commit ourselves to lifelong relationships that stretch across the boundaries of geography, organizations, and beliefs.’

    ‘I have a dream that we open ourselves to connecting on a deep level so we can mutually benefit and enrich each others’ lives, gravitating toward each other instead of away into ourselves.’

    Those are my top four. I dream of relationships filled with genuine love, caring, and depth that transcend old world paradigms and embrace the unique diversity that lies within each human being.

    We are each one piece of a giant puzzle. One voice in a very large choir. A single instrument in the orchestra called humanity.

    We are all teachers and learners of each other. And when we uncover and find all the love each one of us holds in our hearts, our love will have enough power to make this dream come true. Together!

    Love you!

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    • lollydaskal

      11. Jun, 2013

      OH MY Samantha- you are a true poet!

      I love what you wrote!

      I want to say AMEN after each sentence. I want to shout through the rooftops YES YES YES.

      YOU have expressed yourself from the heart and it is beautiful.

      Love you for it.

      You are a beautiful soul inside and out!


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  12. Blair Glaser

    11. Jun, 2013

    So inspiring, Lolly! I am sitting, here, dreaming.

    I was very moved by this one: “I have a dream that we commit ourselves to lifelong relationships that stretch across the boundaries of geography, organizations, and beliefs.”

    I believe that relationships are the most important thing we can cultivate in our time here. The connection, the companionship, the caring, wisdom and the love we share makes the journey all worthwhile.

    Thanks fo much for stretching my being today!

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    • lollydaskal

      11. Jun, 2013


      To dream is the first steps before taking action. lets make this work. lets make this work together. lets keep the message alive that relationships matter.
      that you matter, that I matter and together we matter.

      THANKS for stopping by
      Always great to see you here!


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  13. Tomas Carlos

    11. Jun, 2013

    Lolly, this is simply Wonderful! I really liked this one! heart-touching! Thanks for sharing!

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    • lollydaskal

      11. Jun, 2013

      Having a dream in life is not just about achieving, succeeding— It is also about thinking, knowing, listening, growing, living, making, stumbling, tripping and failing.

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  14. Lalita Raman

    11. Jun, 2013

    I love this post Lolly. I dream that each of us can make a difference in this world by who we are and what we do. Thank you for a heart warming and thoughtful post.


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    • lollydaskal

      11. Jun, 2013


      I love your dream; I dream that each of us can make a difference in this world by who we are and what we do.
      Thanks so much for sharing.


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  15. Ed Fernandez

    11. Jun, 2013

    You are an awesome contributor to humanity Lolly!.. God bless you.

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    • lollydaskal

      11. Jun, 2013

      And so are you ED! Together we can make a difference you and I!

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    • lollydaskal

      11. Jun, 2013

      We create dreams from the love. If you cannot see or feel love, go out and give and allow yourself to receive; it will cleanse your soul and free your heart.

      I love you each of you because I am you.

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  16. Mark Deterding

    11. Jun, 2013

    Awesome post Lolly! As leaders when need to be uncomfortable with the status quo. We cannot become comfortable with the way things are. Creating that vision and articulating that dream for what it could become is the start to being intentional about stepping into commitment to make it happen. You are an inspiration and model to all of us on how you are working to make your dreams reality! Thanks for all you do to challenge us to join you in making a true difference in people’s lives, and a better future!


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    • lollydaskal

      11. Jun, 2013

      The way to achieve our purpose of truly living is to engage fully and deeply into living of our dreams. All of us are made to dream and to live those dreams!

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  17. Terri Klass

    11. Jun, 2013

    Loved this post, Lolly! Yes, I will dream with you and be part of your movement! It is time we focus on the true gifts of one another and connect in a deeper way, getting to know one another for who we are. You are so talented in looking at the important aspects of life and making it come alive and seem reachable! Thanks Lolly!

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    • lollydaskal

      11. Jun, 2013

      Without the idea of dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all is a form of planning, pursuing and possibilities.

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  18. Lyn Boyer

    11. Jun, 2013

    Lolly, Your posts are always inspiring. This one is particularly so. The following fully resonated with me:
    –I have a dream that we understand that we can make a difference in the world, and that how we do the things we do is just as important as why.
    –I have a dream that when fear shows up we stare back at it courageously.
    –I have a dream that we replace trying to please each other with caring for each other as we care for ourselves.
    –I have a dream that we commit ourselves to lifelong relationships that stretch across the boundaries of geography, organizations, and beliefs.
    –I have a dream that we open ourselves to connecting on a deep level so we can mutually benefit and enrich each others’ lives, gravitating toward each other instead of away into ourselves.
    I share your dreams and want to add my own…I dream that our work brings meaning and purpose to us and that it brings joy and comfort to the lives of others.
    My best to you.

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    • lollydaskal

      11. Jun, 2013

      Thanks for sharing your dream with us.

      I dream that our work brings meaning and purpose to us and that it brings joy and comfort to the lives of others.

      Thanks so much for adding to the message. We can do this together. if enough of us resonate with the message we can spread it – speak it- live it.

      You are wonderful Lyn!


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  19. Garren Fagaragan

    11. Jun, 2013


    The Dream IS happening.

    perhaps a microcosm…but the
    posts here testify to it.


    Individuals sharing what they know…
    serving others.

    Individuals…valuing relationships.

    The Dream IS happening.

    mahalo Lolly for the post.

    Dream on…

    Reply to this comment
    • lollydaskal

      11. Jun, 2013

      Garren great to see you here!

      I will dream on .. but with you!

      To start we need our compassion and show we care more than others,
      We must add our courage is in risking more than others think is Safe,
      and we must remember our dreaming is more than others think is practical, and expecting more than others think is possible.

      Lets bring our compassion, caring, courage, dreaming together to create something PROFOUND.

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      • Garren Fagaragan

        18. Jun, 2013


        I’m in…with everything

        I am.

        peace and blessings…

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  20. Hoda Maalouf (@MaaHoda)

    11. Jun, 2013

    Beautiful post Lolly!

    Creating a worldwide network of people with similar dreams, and the world could become a great place to live for all of us & for generations to come.

    Thank You & Permit me to share your dream!


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  21. Dan

    11. Jun, 2013

    In the honoring of Martin Luther King, Jr’s legacy, we must always be mindful of the incredible sacrifices that people of color have made, how their example inspires us and defines the courage necessary for the cause of freedom and equality. If it expands our hearts and makes us more willing to express the truth, stand for the truth, live together, surpass privilege and shame, if it helps us liberate one another, survive, thrive and endure, then there is little to do but express the real gratitude of our common path, learning how to forgive and to heal. We all have a dream, everyone of us. Thank God. And thank a minister of God and of humanity for helping us all get to that better place we might never have found on our own.

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  22. Peg Gillard

    11. Jun, 2013

    Wow, I don’t think I can add anything more meaningful than what is already here. Graceful elegant words and intention behind them. When intention matches action and words, the energy sparked is robust, resounding, resilient and certainly enriches the universe with unparalleled good. My dream sees your dream and works alongside to dream it into being reality.

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  23. Frank Sonnenberg

    12. Jun, 2013

    WOW Lolly. What a great post.

    My dream is that people read this post and turn your dream into reality.

    Thank you for sharing this inspiring post and for everything that you do to make this a better world.



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  24. Kate Rowland

    12. Jun, 2013

    What a wonderful post! Thank you for sharing this with us. This really touched me – I would love to join your dream!


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  25. Luke Roland

    12. Jun, 2013

    I love the second one! I’ve seen many organizations operate out of fear and control. True creativity comes from collaboration! Thanks for sharing.

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  26. Praveen Kumar

    13. Jun, 2013

    Dear Lolly,
    Greetings Greetings, Greetings.

    That was a wonderful post.. there is something special in that. every time we just dream about our organizational growth, but some times many of us failed to apply our ideas.
    while I am reading your post I got many ideas, where I can apply and all are humanly possible.. the only thing we need is focus. and commitment. your post always inspiring me as well others too.. thanks for your dedication & care. looking forward for more to come.. have a wonderful times a head.. GOD BLESS YOU

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  27. Daymond Lopez

    13. Jun, 2013

    Excellent blog Lolly, it can be concluded that deep Dreams are the fuel of life, and it ends when you stop dreaming.

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  28. Spartapoet

    14. Jun, 2013

    Meaningful Dreams! Creative and functional! We can and must apply ourselves to the dreams we do make so we can better ourselves, others and our environment. I truly love this post Lolly and I believe that no dream is impossible when we do face the challenge to make them reality. Muchlove!

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  29. dawoodchishti

    15. Jun, 2013


    A visionary post. Dreams are the propellers of life.
    May all your dreams be the reality in your life!

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  30. Valencia Ray MD

    17. Jun, 2013

    May all of your dreams come true…you may, ‘Say I’m a Dreamer’….obviously I’m not the only one. I equate a dream from the heart as a vision…without a vision people perish. Thank Life for our dreams….it matters. They are the blueprints for possible new, physical realities. Great post, Lolly!

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  31. Adith RAHARJO

    21. Jun, 2013

    Dear Lolly

    Thank you for always share your new thought
    Your articles was truly Fantastic !!
    Dream with strong vision really make different…
    Keep going lolly

    Best Regards from Indonesia

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  32. Onko

    21. Jun, 2013

    I love these dreams and try to live up to them, just for everybody to start from within yourself. If you don’t dare to dream like Lolly indicates you don’t really recognoze the full power of (your) life

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    • lollydaskal

      21. Jun, 2013

      Thanks Onko,

      I know you share this dream with me, because I know you are a leader of heart and soul and want to see humanity prevail.

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  33. Rajeev

    14. Jul, 2013

    I believe that we may not achieve whatever we think or aspire…Man proposes, God disposes.

    We should learn to accept whatever comes in life.

    Life is like a boat in a vast ocean…The boat goes in the direction of wind…

    We should feel polite in our life throughout…We should never feel proud or egoistic in life…

    We are only “quarks” or “tiny specks of intelligent matter”….Each individual is only a very small particle in a vast Cosmic Universe…

    We have come to play our small role for a short time…

    We are like actors and actresses in a cinema show…When our part is over, we have to take leave the stage…

    Spiritual world does not give importance to money, whereas material world is mainly concerned with money…

    We need money certainly for getting material comforts…

    For getting peace of mind, we have to practise Yoga and Meditation…preferably, Transcendental Meditation…

    I request everyone to see:

    Please write a few comments, Ms Lolly….

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  34. Rajeev

    18. Jul, 2013

    I strongly believe that everyone is born free, and they should live free.

    Freedom is the birthright of everyone.

    Everyone wants to come up in life, as time passes by.

    Human mind always goes in the direction of increasing happiness. In fact, this is the nature of human mind.

    In this world, however educated a person may be, comforts cannot be attained without money….

    This is the hard fact of life…

    But, money is only a means to life, and not an end in itself.

    Money determines the standard of living…..but, education builds the character of an individual.

    Even though education can get you a job, morality should be acquired through steady self regulation.

    Greediness in making money must be avoided at all costs.

    I believe that there are no short cuts in earning money and also education.

    Hope you will agree to my points…

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  35. Rajeev

    18. Jul, 2013

    Life is like a rudderless boat in a vast ocean…

    In whatever way wind blows, the boat goes that way….

    We are just instruments in the hands of God…..

    We should learn to accept whatever experience we come across in life….

    We cannot challenge the judgement of God….

    God is the overseeing force to all that happens in this world….

    Do you agree?

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  36. J. P. Lucas

    06. Aug, 2013

    Thanks Lolly! Very inspiring!

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  37. Mario Sergio Alves

    28. Aug, 2013


    Although there are many forces opposed to these dreams, we should try to follow these paths!

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  38. Valencia Ray MD

    28. Aug, 2013

    Beautiful Lolly and I am with you on every point. It’s because of my dream that I can see beyond the deception of the ‘apparent’ to see the potential of what can be – and I hold my mind’s eye focus on – what will be. Many seemingly impossible aspects of Martin Luther King’s dream at that time, has come true. Keep the faith! I’ll do my part – the dream continues….

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  39. Tony Curl - Leadership, Life and Style

    29. Aug, 2013

    I feel I am amongst kindred spirits. This is awesome

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  40. Sophia

    19. Jan, 2016

    Marvelous, what a blog it is! This weblog presents helpful data to us, keep it up.

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    30. Jan, 2016

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