My New Boss, What Can I Do?


So much goes into making a good job: rewarding work, relationships with coworkers, a good work-life balance. But when one element is missing, a job you love can quickly turn into one that makes you miserable.

This week, leadership coach Lolly Daskal helps a reader deal with a new boss that’s ruining the job she used to love.


I’ve been at the same company for eight years. I don’t love my job, but I’ve liked it enough until recently. I’m in a small department and my manager is driving me crazy. He started at the company about a year ago and his overly emotional, micromanaging style does not suit me. My department colleagues have been able to adjust to his personality or avoid him completely. Because we work closely on major projects, neither is an option. I have to deal with his emotional outbursts and oversensitivity more often than my colleagues do.

I’ve discussed my issues with him and with HR, but nothing has really changed. Because there is no option for a department transfer, I think my only other choice is to quit. I dread coming to work because of my manager. I’m stressed out and it’s beginning to affect my well-being.

I know I should find another job before I quit this one. But I don’t think I can wait that long. We’re about to start a major project that I will be managing. Given the way I feel, what is my obligation to the rest of the team? Should I give them a heads-up before I give notice? I don’t want to leave them hanging with just two weeks’ notice, but honestly, I don’t know how much longer I can last.

Thanks for your time.
Miserable Marketer


[Photo: Flickr user Rebecca Wilson]

Lolly Daskal is one of the most sought-after executive leadership coaches in the world. Her extensive cross-cultural expertise spans 14 countries, six languages and hundreds of companies. As founder and CEO of Lead From Within, her proprietary leadership program is engineered to be a catalyst for leaders who want to enhance performance and make a meaningful difference in their companies, their lives, and the world.

Of Lolly’s many awards and accolades, Lolly was designated a Top-50 Leadership and Management Expert by Inc. magazine. Huffington Post honored Lolly with the title of The Most Inspiring Woman in the World. Her writing has appeared in HBR,, Fast Company (Ask The Expert), Huffington Post, and Psychology Today, and others. Her newest book, The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness has become a national bestseller.

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