The Language of Thought

“Our lives are like a chess game. The move of a single pawn affects the outcome of the game.” –
David R Hawkins.

Connecting, communicating and conversing are all effects of a thought. It affects our leadership, our relationship and our fellowship.

If you think about it, our thoughts are the beginning of what matters most. Our thoughts bring value to what we think, say and do.

Understanding our thoughts is the door-opener to the rewards of self-awareness and insight, and it’s the ground upon which understanding rests.

The language of thought has an internal influence on us. And that internal influence can make a difference to our external outcomes.

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Reflect: By taking a moment to reflect upon our thoughts, we can stand at the gateway of making different choices. As we pause, we can practice looking at our thoughts instead of from them. Reflection is an action. Reflecting on our thoughts brings us invaluable learning and opportunity for growth.

Retrieve: To understand what someone says, we must draw upon our shared knowledge of the world, not just our knowledge of language. All of us have stored thoughts. Our past observations become our future projections. Our expectations, beliefs and past experiences affect our thinking and communication.

Relate: Until we can relate to our thoughts, we are not going to be successful in communicating with ourselves or with others. Everyone’s thoughts and behaviors are a function of their viewpoint.

Responsible: We can increase our self-awareness and improve communication as we accept responsibility for every thought, word, and deed that we think. What we think we act upon. Be responsible. In being responsible, we break down the old patterns of thinking and build new pathways of being.

Results: As we live our lives with intention, we can achieve the results for a new way of being and leading. We achieve results by focusing on our thoughts. Our results depend on how quickly we observe and determine whether the thought serves our purpose or not. We can create an intention about what we want, and get the results we are looking for.

Reward: When we are clear about what we want, our reality will follow… Then we will be rewarded.

Defining the language of thought cultivates new meaning. Without the self-awareness of thought, we would live each day as we did yesterday, and we would simply recreate the same solutions as we did the day before.

By understanding the language of our thoughts, we enhance ourselves, our families, our team, our organization, and our leadership. As we begin to understand the language of thoughts, we can see that we are consciously choosing our future.

[box]What we think.
What we say.
What we do.


When we know what matters – and our mind is clear – we make the most of each moment. We can think outside the box. We can lead from within. We can develop creative solutions. We can trust our intuition. We can know the next step we are going to take. We can make good decisions, and we can act on them effortlessly.

Be the person who cares. Who thinks. Who listens. Who understands. Who communicates. Who converses and who connects deeply.

Lead From Within: Reap the benefits by understanding that the language of thought is the driver that helps you reshape your life and leadership. With this clarity, you can transform, transcend and thrive.

Lolly Daskal is one of the most sought-after executive leadership coaches in the world. Her extensive cross-cultural expertise spans 14 countries, six languages and hundreds of companies. As founder and CEO of Lead From Within, her proprietary leadership program is engineered to be a catalyst for leaders who want to enhance performance and make a meaningful difference in their companies, their lives, and the world.

Of Lolly’s many awards and accolades, Lolly was designated a Top-50 Leadership and Management Expert by Inc. magazine. Huffington Post honored Lolly with the title of The Most Inspiring Woman in the World. Her writing has appeared in HBR,, Fast Company (Ask The Expert), Huffington Post, and Psychology Today, and others. Her newest book, The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness has become a national bestseller.

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12 Responses
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to “The Language of Thought”

  1. Jon M

    29. Jan, 2012


    This is a great process, and it is vital to go through all six Rs. Too often, we get stuck on the first half. We need to pull it through with the responsibility of our being to produce real results in our life, leaving a rewarding imprint on all those around us.

    Thank you.


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  2. lollydaskal

    30. Jan, 2012


    I agree, most of us spend our time on reflecting of our thoughts….. that we don’t take our thoughts to a deeper level of responsibility, results and rewards.

    Set an intention today (thought) and watch the results of your thinking….pay off in the future (reward)

    Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughtful comment.

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  3. Dan

    30. Jan, 2012

    This is a wonderful post, Lolly. I believe it gets to the core issues very quickly. Noticing our thoughts is a discipline that enables us, once mastered, to begin challenging the big patterns — those private mantras related to ourselves and our world that keep repeating themselves. If we don’t pay attention, they slip by and we play out these mantras again and again, such as “I’m the only truly responsible one here,” or “No one gets me” or “I’m successful for awhile and then I inevitably fail.” Whatever these mantras are, they leak out into our actions where THEY lead on the subtle ground of our relationships. The antidote is to consciously bring them front and center, inquire about their origin, thank them for their service in protecting us from one risk or another, and ask them to step back so that our true spirit can come forward.

    As always, thank you so much for your strong, wise words!


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  4. lollydaskal

    30. Jan, 2012

    As always Dan you make my thoughts brighter and better.

    Your insights and added comments are the polish that are needed to my rough diamond of wisdom.

    Thank you for being so insightful and brilliant.


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  5. stephen waymire

    31. Jan, 2012

    It all begins with AWARENESS–LIVING IN THE HERE AND NOW. And I am struck by All your thoughts are not new–but then again WISDOM is not new (I am not being critical). GREAT ideas are not new. So like when I teach my little kids tennis I tell them they are no new basics. There are just newer ways to tell them. I got a lot from your thoughts–helped me to think a little. BIG ideas are best when said with LITTLE WORDS. STEPHEN

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  6. Caitlin Durkin

    31. Jan, 2012

    I agree with all written here, Lolly. It makes me realize how many thoughts must past through the minds of people every day–and few are ever brought from a thought, to an idea and then to reality. As mentioned by Jon above, the responsibility is truly key–once people own their thoughts and ideas and act upon them, then and only then do we find progress. These are the ‘results’ of which you speak.

    It is, after all, our gift as conscious beings to have the ability to think and reason, but if we never do anything with that ability, then what is the point? Great post Lolly, thanks for the inspiration.


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  7. Barry Birkett

    31. Jan, 2012

    Love this post, Lolly! We don’t often think about. well, how we think as much as the words and actions that result from our thinking. As you said, our thoughts are the beginning. If we want better outcomes of that thinking, we need to focus more on what goes into it.

    Each time someone mentions thinking outside the box I am reminded about something Martin Cooper (cellular pioneer) said. (in my words, not his) The best way to get people to think outside the box is to avoid creating the box in the first place. Yes, we often deal with situations where there is a box already, but as leaders we should make an effort to put others in a position without a box when we can.

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    • lollydaskal

      31. Jan, 2012

      That is wonderful sentiments…The best way to get people to think outside the box is to avoid creating the box in the first place. Yes, we often deal with situations where there is a box already, but as leaders we should make an effort to put others in a position without a box when we can.

      So true and very useful and insightful when understanding the language of thought

      Thank you Barry! Always great to see you and hear your wisdom.


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  8. Jeff Cook

    31. Jan, 2012

    I like the sentiment that ‘we are what we think.’

    Sometimes though, people think one thing and do another, e.g., we know smoking kills you, but we do it anyway; or, we think about recognizing our employees, but point our their faults.

    Even further, a powerful way to change what people think is to first change their behavior. Sometimes we spend too much time convincing people we are ‘right’ before we ask them to try it. Just get them to try it, THEN they will begin to value it. This, of course requires a lot of trust, but people tend to justify their actions and sometimes we spend too much time in our heads.

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  9. Milton Baron Zambran (@festejocasual)

    03. Apr, 2012

    Hello, congratulations Milton.

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  10. Jindra Cekan

    12. Jan, 2014

    Relate, Responsible and Results especially resonate with me as do your comments of being in the box – or looking from inside one which we believe is real 🙂
    If we can understand our viewpoint is as valid as others who may have Very different viewpoints on reality, and we reach out to relate to them, find shared responsibility for what we can co-create in our intersection, we’ll have far better results.
    For that we need to Value the Voices of those who may seem powerless. By relating to them as our peers far greater results come about. Thanks for the great post Lolly…

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